Friday, 12 April 2013

budi bahasa

Salam alaik.. =)  hai.. dua hari lps, aku sampai Serdang. hohho~ a short midsem break it was. Fine, then. My story about budi bahasa. Really obvious. =)

Well, masa sampai KTM Putra on that day, I saw a girl about my age, standing and she was like kejap-kejap bongkok-bongkok, kejap-kejap tegak. Seems like lenguh berdiri, waiting for the train. I was at the opposite platform. Stalking from far. Haha. However, there was a bench beside her. On the bench, seated two men (pakciks). But still, there’s enough space for her to sit. After seeing her like that, the nearest man told her to seat. I saw that. How nice he is. Budi bahasa. But, somehow, the girl refused. Malu kut naa.. well, duduk ke tak, dia dah dipelawa. It’s good to do it that way, pak cik. Hehe. Sape suruh tak nak duduk. =p

There’s another story in the train. As I went in, I saw something precious. A seat! Hehe. Since there’s no other needy, I just sit there while my brother stand next to me. There’s another empty seat next to me which suddenly seated by two girls. It’s okay, since there’s no other needy except us, with begs. Well, arriving at.. somewhere-I-forgot, there’s rush in of people.. and there’s an akak, seems tired enough to stand. Like.. (-.-) pun boleh jadi muka dia.. huhu. Then, there’s a sitting guy, suddenly stood up and allow her to sit. Awww, Alhamdulillah…baik hati.. the girls next to me, squeezed together, to give another akak nearby them, a seat. Oh.oh.oh.. sangat manis.. =)

Alhamdulillah.. masih ada rakyat Malaysia yang berjiwa murni. Tak rugi berbuat baik kepada orang lain. Disedekahkan senyuman lagi.haa…
Permudahkanlah dan janganlah susahkan. =) insya Allah, Allah akan bantu kita semula di saat kita perlukan..

credits here :)

Hadith 56 - Yassiru wala tu-'assiruu wayubasy-syiru wala tunaffiru (Rawahu Al-Bukhari wa Muslim)

Makna Hadith - "Senangkanlah (permudahkanlah) dan jangan susahkan dan berilah khabar gembira dan jangan berikan khabar buruk (buatkan orang lari daripadamu)."


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